Wong Kam-sing


Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation

Wong Kam-sing (KS Wong) was appointed as the Secretary for the Environment, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, between 2012 and 2022.  During his ten-year tenure as the “environment minister”, KS Wong as a pioneer initiated a series of sustainability policy blueprints, covering climate actions, energy saving, clean air, popularisation of electric vehicles, waste reduction and recycling, and biodiversity, and leading Hong Kong towards carbon neutrality before 2050.  In 2017, he also created the policy for countryside conservation in the remote villages of Hong Kong.  

As a professional architect, KS Wong has developed expertise on sustainable architecture.  He is currently Distinguished Department of Architecture Fellow at The University of Hong Kong, and Honorary Professor at Hong Kong Chu Hai College.  Since late 2022, he has accepted the invitation to serve as the chairman of Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) Charitable Foundation, leading rural revitalization projects in both the Mainland and Hong Kong and integrating youth development and low-carbon green practice in the process of volunteering works.